Exclusive Ang Pow Packets Redemption
3 - 24 January 2020
Share the blessings of Chinese New Year with your loved ones with our exclusively designed ang pow packets. Redeem them within the same day with a minimum spend of RM100 at participating outlets. While stocks last.
Redemption Period: 3-24 January 2020, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
1. Redeem Ang Pow Packet(s) (six pieces per pack) when you shop at participating outlets in Cheras LeisureMall (excluding promotional kiosks) beginning from 3 January 2020 until 24 January 2020 or until all Ang Pow Packets have been fully redeemed, by presenting eligible receipt(s). Details of redemption are as follows:-
· RM100 & above in one or a maximum of two (2) receipts for one (1) Ang Pow Packet
· RM500 & above in a single receipt for two (2) Ang Pow Packets
· RM1000 & above in a single receipt for five (5) Ang Pow Packets
2. The Ang Pow Packets are redeemable from 3 January 2020 until 24 January 2020 or until all Ang Pow Packets have been fully redeemed, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Lower Ground Floor Information Counter, Cheras LeisureMall. Redemptions must be made on the same day of purchase. Only receipt(s) which are dated on the same day shall be eligible for the Redemption Programme.
3. This Redemption Programme is limited to a maximum of five (5) redemptions per customer per visit. Redemptions are available on a first-come first-serve basis and while stocks last.
4. Only original machine-generated receipts with the merchants’ name clearly visible will be accepted. All other receipts, such as credit card transaction receipts, hand written, goods return receipts, duplicate or re-print receipt(s) and deposit receipts etc., will not be accepted.
5. Receipt(s) for transactions from money changers, bill payment and credit top-up is not applicable for this Redemption Programme. Receipt(s) which have been used for this Redemption Programme cannot be used for other redemptions, contests or events which may be simultaneously taking place at Cheras LeisureMall.
6. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any receipts that are incomplete, illegible or not original or which do not satisfactorily show proof of purchase.
7. Employees, tenants and promoters of Cheras LeisureMall are not eligible to participate in this program and are not permitted to redeem on behalf of customers.
8. The organizer retains all rights to publish and use the names, personal details, photographs and/or video recordings of the participants including all materials submitted during the Redemption Programme for the purposes of advertising and/or promotion and/or trade publicity for the Redemption Programme, without any prior notice to the participants who by submitting their entries to the Redemption Programme hereby consent to such use by the organizer. All Redemption Programme participants shall not be entitled to claim ownership or other forms of claims or compensation whatsoever on any of the materials submitted during the Redemption Programme. Each participant by redeeming Ang Pow Packets hereby consents to continue receiving promotional materials and information from PPB Group Berhad.
9. The organizer reserves the right at its sole and absolute discretion to amend the terms and conditions mentioned above or in connection with the Redemption Programme at any time without prior notice.
10. The organizer reserves the right at its sole and absolute discretion to suspend, modify or terminate this Redemption Programme at any time without prior notice.
11. The organizer’s decision is final and no further requests, claims or correspondence whatsoever will be entertained.
12. Upon filling the redemption form and presenting the receipt(s), the participant is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Redemption Programme and the participant acknowledges that he/she has read and understood PPB Group Berhad’s Privacy Policy and Personal Data Notice which can be found on Cheras LeisureMall’s Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/notes/cheras-leisuremall/ppb-group-berhads-privacy-policy-and-personal-data-notice/916941438344361/) and consents to the usage, collecting, recording and processing of his/her personal data for the purposes stated in such notice and in connection herein. Please direct any enquiries or requests in respect of matters pertaining to personal data to the Marketing & Promotion Department. Tel: 03 9130 5088, Email: marketing@ppb.com.my
13. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the English version and the Chinese version of this terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
14. For more information, please call 03-9132 2386 or 03-9130 5088.
1. 从2020年1月3日至1月24日或兑换完毕为止,只要在蕉赖利双广场参与商店(促销摊位除外)消费,即可免费兑换精美红包封(每套6张)。兑换详情如下:-
· 以单张收据或最多两张收据累积消费达RM100及以上,可兑换一套精美红包封
· 以单张收据消费达RM500及以上,可兑换两套精美红包封
· 以单张收据消费达RM1,000及以上,可兑换五套精美红包封
2. 此红包封兑换活动从2020年1月3日开始至1月24日或直到兑换完毕为止。参与兑换的客户必须在购物日当天、上午10时至晚上10时,在蕉赖利双广场地底层大厅的咨询柜台进行兑换。
3. 此兑换活动每人每次仅限最多五次兑换。兑换为先到先得,存货至送完为止。
4. 参与者必须出示由收银机发出、印有商店名称的正本购物收据。其他收据如信用卡交易收据、手写收据、退货收据、复印或重印收据及定金收据等皆不受理。
5. 此兑换活动不适用于货币兑换、账单付款及储值加额之交易单据。用以兑换红包封的收据不得用以参加其他在蕉赖利双广场同时进行的兑换活动、比赛或其他活动。
6. 主办单位保留最终权利,以不完整、模糊不清或非正本的购物收据为由,取消该收据的兑换资格。
7. 蕉赖利双广场员工、租户及其促销员皆不可参与此活动,亦不可代表顾客兑换礼品
8. 主办单位保留所有权利发布、使用参与者的姓名、个人资料、照片、及/或录影,包括所有提交予主办单位的参与资料,以作为此兑换活动的广告及/或宣传及/或推广等商业用途,且恕不另行通知参与者,参与者将参与资料提交予主办单位,即同意并授予主办单位以上之使用权。所有参与者无权向主办单位索取任何所提交参与资料的任何产权拥有索偿或其他类似的赔偿要求。参与者一旦兑换此红包封,即表示同意继续接收PPB Group Berhad发出的宣传资料与信息。
9. 主办单位拥有绝对的自行权力,在无另行通知下,修改此兑换活动的规则与条款及任何与此兑换活动相关的事宜。
10. 主办单位拥有绝对的自行权力,在无另行通知下,搁置、更改或终止此兑换活动。
11. 主办单位的决定为最终决定,任何上诉将不予受理。
12. 参与者填写兑换表格并出示购物收据,即表示已同意接受并遵守此兑换活动的所有规则与条款;参与者确定已详阅并了解PPB Group Berhad发布于蕉赖利双广场面子书(https://www.facebook.com/notes/cheras-leisuremall/ppb-group-berhads-privacy-policy-and-personal-data-notice/916941438344361/)的隐私政策和个人资料通告之内容,并同意主办单位以上述通告内所阐明的用途,收集、记录及处理其个人资料。任何有关个人资料的咨询,请联系市场营销及推广部: 电话 03-9130 5088;电邮marketing@ppb.com.my。
13. 此兑换活动之规则与条款将出示英文、中文版。若出现差异,一概以英文版为准。
14. 欲知详情,请联络03-9132 2386 或03-9130 5088。